Free personal narrative essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Social Problems Sociology of the Workplace Essay Sample free essay sample
We may hold been equivalent around 200B. C. however, those yearss are finished. Political control. inconsistent salary and inconsistent position changed the way American family units needed to hinder away for financial autonomy because of the solid industrialisation. Occupations and reasons for living are a core an incentive in American culture ( Macionis 2008 ) . Two upheavals. Mechanical and Information. changed the working environment for most Americans. making another position quo for them and their family units. With the new present day financial framework. the personal satisfaction can only be improved. Basic useful. cultural battle. also, representative association are the three significant assaults in human science that aides thought and examination ( DeRosso 2002 ) . So. get out your mobile phone. text your wedded lady and permit her cognize you are still in that telephone call. Innovation plays an extraordinary bit in the cultural derivations of our cutting edge universe. Americans can scarcely travel a twenty-four hours without using the new designing and advancements. Sci-fi is a relic of past times. We will compose a custom paper test on Social Problems: Sociology of the Workplace Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Presently we have phones. level screen T. V. ’s. convenient processing machines. computer games. the web. CT checks. electronically monitored slowing mechanisms. and then some. In the event that you contrast a 1985 hypothetical record auto with its contrary number of today. you can see the improved and included qualities, for example, power entryways and Windowss. twofold airbags. better eco-friendly motors. worked in Cadmium and GPS. climate control system. also, less deformities ( Nye. 2002 ) . The cutting edge financial framework today is information based. globalized. innovative. IT-driven. what's more, development based ( Atkinson. 2010 ) . The eternity evolving powers. for example, financial clime. quick paced. what's more, contesting times is the thing that the work environment is currently. The workplace configuration has decreased and less difficult. The technique of working environment building has developed unfathomably. The diminishing of the processing machine in size. weight and portability requires less limitless but then it shops more informations. cut bringing down the whole of paper being utilized ( London Councils 2006 ) . As a greater amount of the work performed is done electronically. laborers are compelled to take on different assignments. The new working environment condition can be sitting at Panera Bread while convey oning a gathering on the PC. Auxiliary Functional Analysis in the work environment takes a gander at the breaks as ephemeral and that society will skip from them. Modern. Educational. furthermore, the current transformation formed is as yet deciding the work topographic point. Basic Functional sees society through a full scale level direction focusing on the cultural developments that structure society in general ( DeRosso 2002 ) . With emblematic collaborations. individuals can take their occupations one of two different ways. Primarily the talented experts like. doctors. attorneies. teachers. what's more, others are glad to head out to work. They are propelled to move in the direction of advancements and think about their occupations as reasons for living. ( Macionis. 2008 ) The laborers that are untalented. work in factories will in general accept of their occupations as negligible. They go to work since they need to. The insufficiency of positive distinguish only here and there gets them an advancement. The cultural battle accentuates on cultural disparity. This is to a greater degree a hypothesis on an industrialist monetary framework with their riches and influence who might draw in the less lucky to make all the work. The industrialist would so benefit completely from the monetary framework since they own or control it. Lower rewards are paid and only sometimes do they order any of the creation. This is what is called â€Å"The McJobs†( Macionis 2008 ) . With the entry from Industrial Revolution to the new Information ( building ) Revolution. workers needed to do a few housing. Never again is the interest for up close and personal collaborations between businesses with their workers. Innovation has given us the devices of messaging. mobile phones. also, messaging. I have found in the retail worry that the chiefs don’t need to go forward the shops any more drawn out to go to a gathering. They simply now need to do a call. arrive in a codification. also, they are in a â€Å"conference call†leting them to in any case pull off their shops. There are telecommunicating occupations that currently permit laborers to stay at put and acquire salary. The cultural branchings to this new way of work have changed individuals for the great and some for the awful. While mas would now be able to stay at place with their children while working and picking up pay ; this spares them the disbursals from going. The negative effect on this i s remain at home-employments disengage the person from the outside universe that they one time had. It is more diligently to secure an exposure and adds to the sexual orientation imbalance in the working environment ( Macionis. 2008 ) . I just bought a spot and neer saw my credit official ; she worked out of California from her office and spot. I enjoyed the accommodation of the strategy since I had the option to recoup my electronic sends from her and resend them on my free clasp. The individual contact has decreased. resulting in a disconnection. Society is made by continuous cultural battle between the more remarkable gatherings who endeavor bunches with lesser force. There was a good line among work and spot which presently has been obscured from the remain at home-employments ( Macionis. 2008 ) . The power per unit region of work that used to just make full the workplace presently is occurred. so where get you going the equalization again for this new insurgency? Is it accurate to say that we are prepared for the accompanying unrest of Artificial Intelligence Revolution? Notices Atkinson. R ( 2010 ) . The 2010 State New Economy Index: Benchmarking Economic Transformation in the regions. Recovered from EBSCO have. GCU Library DeRosso. D ( 2002 ) . The Structural Functional Theoretical Approach. Wisc-Online London Councils ( 2006 ) . Internet. Londoncouncils. gov. Joined Kingdom. London Macionis ( 2008 ) . Social Problems ( third Ed ) . Upper Saddle River. New pullover: Pearson Education Inc. NYE. J ( 2002 ) . â€Å"Eonomic Growth and True Inequality†World Wide Web. econlib. organization/library/section/nyegrowth. hypertext markup language
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Steps to Writing a Grant Proposal - Assignment Example Some portion of the short-go destinations is to redesign the current preparing offices of PEACE just as improve the information and aptitudes of its expert coaches with respect to overseeing horrible circumstances the people in question and groups of the casualties are at present experiencing while the drawn out goal is to grow the current foundation of PEACE so as to help the expanding number of casualties who will require the social help of the said association. To improve the nature of PEACE’s social administrations, a spending plan of one million US dollars (US$1,000,000.00) is required wherein one-eighth (1/8) of the all out expected award will be utilized to monetarily bolster the further instruction and trainings of its expert coaches and update the current preparing offices, for example, the upgrades in preparing region and the acquisition of new PCs, projectors, and LCDs. The staying three-eighth (3/8) of the all out award will be utilized in growing the current framework of PEACE. In the course of recent years, the city of Portland is encountering an expansion in residential and youth viciousness, spousal and youngster misuse, attack, and occurrences of street rage. To give help to the casualties of savagery, the crucial PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is to decrease casualty injury, enable survivors, and elevate recuperation to the survivors of rape and abusive behavior at home. Social issues identified with abusive behavior at home can be illuminated by expanding the quantity of accessible assistance arrangement, instruction, and social mindfulness. By broadening free instructive preparing administrations, wellbeing bolster gathering, and safe house to the casualties of abusive behavior at home, PEACE won't just have the option to advance the prosperity of youngsters, ladies, and kids whose lives have been influenced by abusive behavior at home yet in addition improve the personal satisfaction of families whose part or individuals are in jail. Instructing people in general on the best way to deal with and shield themselves from turning into a casualty
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write an Essay Sample For Fourth Grade
How to Write an Essay Sample For Fourth GradeEssay samples for fourth grade are going to vary greatly from the third grade examples you may have seen in your high school library. Fourth graders are more critical about grammar and spelling, which can make this task even more difficult.Writing an essay or paper in high school is a great way to get ready for college. With this type of writing, students get an opportunity to showcase their writing skills, as well as a chance to show their personalities through essays. The question that students should ask themselves before beginning any essay writing project is whether or not they can do the assignment.Fourth grade is a great time to explore topics in class. This is also a great time to get suggestions from your fellow classmates. Asking your classmates what topic they want to write about is a great way to get started.There are a few easy ways to start with your topic. Perhaps you will discover that one or two of your classmates love cou ntry music. You can brainstorm about different types of music and see what type of themes come up.You will need to start thinking about your own writing style when trying to craft an essay in fourth grade. Being conscious of your writing habits will help you avoid common mistakes.One of the first things that you need to pay attention to is the use of 'I 'my' as well as 'reason 'for'. Using these words when you write an essay can be confusing because you are not used to the rhythm of formal writing. If you can come up with an essay sample where the 'I'my' is used correctly, it will provide great examples for the next section of writing.To learn how to write an essay, be aware of the structure of essays. There are rules that you should follow when writing an essay. There are sentences that have to be constructed correctly and there are correct punctuation marks to use.An essay is a part of your education that you must complete. You cannot expect to come into college unprepared for the style of writing required. Be prepared with proper essay samples for fourth grade by learning all the basics before trying to write an essay.
Monday, May 25, 2020
My Last Duches by Robert Browning Essay - 865 Words
There is seldom a more deeply rooted bond than that between an artist and his masterpiece. However, in the poem My Last Duchess, written by Robert Browning, it is not, in fact, the artist that possesses this bond, but the owner of the artwork. This dramatic monologue seems to be a tragic love story at first; however, as the story progresses, is it revealed to the audience that the grief-stricken Duke may have had some issues with his blushing bride. While addressing a representative of his future fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s father, the Duke relays his thoughts and feelings on the untimely demise of his former Duchess. The Duke is not remorseful over the death of his bride but is instead bitter that she did not fit his expectations of a perfect wife. This†¦show more content†¦In fact, his new marriage is the affair that sparks this retelling of events. The speaker is supposedly discussing these traits of his former wife with the servant in order to put the Count, who is the father of the Duke’s new bride, at ease about the safety and happiness of his daughter. However, many of the phrases he chooses are not particularly reassuring. The speaker says, â€Å"E’en then would be some stooping; and I choose/ Never to stoop.†(42-43). Indicating that this is a gentleman who is not to be trifled with, and will more than likely get what he desires as the end result. This can be linked to the situation he incurred with his former Duchess, in that she was not behaving in a manner pleasing to him so instead of choosing to stoop to her level and play her metaphorical game, he simply let the problem resolve itself and found a new Duchess who would fulfill his standards. However, to say whether or not he let the problem resolve or if he played a role in resolving the problem himself is still up in the air and can be left open to the interpretation of the reader. Regardless, it is highly likely that this sarcastic tone and these harsh words were meant to se rve as a warning to the new bride, lest she end up with the same fate as the former Duchess. Throughout the poem, Browning uses several aspects to symbolize his characters inner feelings and consequently reveals information to help buildShow MoreRelated Compare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a1060 Words  | 5 PagesCompare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a strong dislike for another person is shown. Write about My Last Duches a poem from Duffy, one form Armitage and another from the pre 1914 poetry bank. My Last Duchess was written by Robert Browning and published in 1842. It is based on a real person. Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara (1537-1597), married fourteen year-old Lucrezia de Medici in 1158 when he was twenty one. Three years later she was killed, possibly poisoned. The Duke
Friday, May 15, 2020
Narrative Written By Geoffrey Chaucer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 550 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/07/29 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Canterbury Tales Essay Did you like this example? The Canterbury Tales are a narrative written by Geoffrey Chaucer; Chaucer typically uses parody, satire, and romances in his collection of poems. While using past tense he managed to tell a story about how each of the characters appeared to him and told each of their tales in the third person narrative style. Chaucer used social commentary by using rhetorical means to provide his commentary on society. He often informed people about a problem and wanted them to appeal to their sense of justice. In The Pardoners Tale Geoffrey wanted to get the point across to society that money is the root of all evil. During his story (poem) the pardoner admits that he speaks or preaches the way he does to get money. Preaching was his way to get back at anyone who offended him or his Brethren. He shows how deep his into his sins by stealing anything he could get his hands on just so he didnt have to spend his own money. The pardoner attempted to sell his relics and pardons, but when he was asked to come forth and unbuckle his bag he hesitated and was called out by the host for not being a real man. In the end, the knight steps forward to make amends between them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Narrative Written By Geoffrey Chaucer" essay for you Create order The Wife of Baths Tale is a story about how a knight came across a young maiden; he became overcome by lust and raped her. The court was horrified by his wrongdoing and thought he should be put to death by being decapitated. The ladies of the court intercede on his behalf and give him a chance to redeem himself. His punishment is to discover what women want most in the world and to report it to the court within a year. If he does not complete the challenge he will be decapitated. As his time is running out he meets an ugly old woman, she promises she will save him if he helps her in return. So they return to the court together and the king tells the queen the answer of the knight Women most desire to be in charge of their husbands and lovers. The old women requested that the night marry her, but he was in horror and begged for her to choose a different request but she refuses. As a married couple, the old women asked the knight if he would rather have an old and ugly wife that is loyal and good or a young and fair but also coquettish and unfaithful. The night replied with I would rather trust your judgment he then asked her to choose what was best for her. She then becomes both beautiful and good and they live a happy married life. The Canterbury Tales is a narrative that typically uses parody, satire, and romances in the collection of poems. In the story, Chaucer uses his preaching skills to inform his audience about realism in life. He goes through many journeys to prove multiple points, for example in the pardoners tale he stole things and was greedy to prove the point that money is the root of all evil. I believe he told the tales the way he did to let people know that the things they are doing is wrong and there are consequences.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Indian Democracy at Crossroad - 3296 Words
Avinash Shankar MAD12015 Politics Essay: 2 Topic Can post-colonial India s political experience be characterized as moving towards becoming more democratic Democracy, the form of government where supreme power is directly or indirectly vested in people, has become a global discourse that can be gauged from the fact that many post-colonial countries have adopted it with remarkable success. The dramatic global expansion of democracy in the last few decades in post-colonial countries speak volume of this most popular form of representative government. The ever fluctuating political dynamics coupled with†¦show more content†¦Indira’s regime, in my opinion, was the beginning of the stage when India started to show its meaningful presence internationally. Creation of Bangladesh was the beginning of the India’s assertiveness at international level. Nuclear test conducted in 1974 was the extension of this assertiveness. Ironically Indira’s regime will also go down in history for bringing disrepute to democracy by imposing emergency in the most undemocratic manner. Perhaps it was the first blow to the essence of dem ocratic model that India followed since independence. The manner in which rights and liberties, the two important tenets of democracy, were suspended during emergency reminds us how an authoritarian regime can play havoc in people’s minds. The emergency perhaps was the turning point in the Indian democratic history because it paved the way for major political and social shift. It was perhaps the trigger that led to the end of absolute majority era and ignited the undercurrent of regional politics played largely around caste and religious lines. Easwaran Sridharan and M.V. Rajeev Gowda however believe that the end of Congress’s dominance and fragmentation of the party system haveShow MoreRelatedAmerica Stands At A Crossroads880 Words  | 4 Pages America stands at a crossroads. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Chronic Illness and
Questions: 1.How is chronicity defined? Why is an illness rather than a disease approach to chronic and complex illness important from a Nursing perspective? Discuss regarding depression as a co-morbidity. 2.Is Self-Management beneficial to positive health outcomes in chronic illness? Critically discuss in relation to outcome research and the Chronic Care Model. Answers: 1.Chronicity According to Larsen (2006), health care systems were not designed for the maintenance and prevention of chronic conditions but rater identifying, treating, and at times producing cure for symptoms. Most health care providers deal with chronic disorders as if they are episodic and acute, the consequence is a mismatch between the costly demands of health care and the health needs of the patients. Most of the common diseases that cause this mismatch include obstructive pulmonary, diabetes, asthma; arthritis, cancer, HIV/Aids and hepatitis C (Scher, Buse, Adams and Lipton 2017). When one is suffering from a chronic condition one can suffer from a number of different illness, have diminished mental or physical capacity, or even disability. Illness approach rather than disease approach Disease refers to the issue that the health care provider views from a biomedical replica, which is an alteration in function or structure. On the other hand, illness refers to the experience of suffering and symptoms and points to how the disease is alleged, lived with, and reacted to by the patient and their families. In most cases, a chronic illness like obstructive pulmonary is addressed as an acute illness rather than a disease. Due to this the medical practices are usually organized to respond to patients illnesses which are tended to be urgent , sort and are easily treated and diagnosed. This approach leads to poor health care services as the medical staff requires that the patients should be the one contacting them. At the time of administering the treatment, most of the patients are usually passive. The visits to the doctors are usually more focused on symptoms rather than patient centered. Chronic conditions should be treated as chronic disease, this enable the medical prac titioners to have a planned and integrated care within the system that most clients can easily relate to. The patients are also expected to be partners in ways which the clients can manage their diseases (Larsen, 2006). Depression as co-morbidity Depression commonly occur to patients suffering from chronic illness. In other cases depression is usually as a result of chronic illnesses. Patients who suffer from chronic disease have an overall burden to their illnesses leading to depression. Depression causes a faster progression of chronic diseases such as heart diseases. People who suffer from chronic diseases may be forced to use alcohol and tobacco which is a lot more harmful to their health. Most physicians hardly recognize that a patient is suffering from a chronic disease. The physicians may not even look beyond the chronic illnesses and fail to explain symptoms such as poor concentration or fatigue. However, depression can be treated through first identifying whether medications or the medical problems are causing depression. Treating the disease or changing the medication can treat depression (Green et al. 2013). 2.Self-management One of the most chronic and burdensome condition is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Warwick, Gallagher, Chenoweth Parbury 2010). This condition requires self- management to prevent it from becoming severe. Self-management is a daily process where persons aims to manage their illness. It is also the ability of people who have chronic diseases to work together with the community, family and healthcare professionals to treat diseases, manage symptoms and have lifestyle changes. People living with chronic diseases can reduce the progression of the disease through self-management. The individual should first understand the illness he or she is suffering from, this will allow them get involved in its management (Chang and Johnson 2014). According to Schulman-Green et al. 2013, self-management means the ability to manage the lifestyle changes, treatment ,symptoms psychological and physical change that are brought about by a chronic disease. It is also the ability of an individual to monitor his or her condition to adjust to the emotional, behavioral and cognitive responses that are required for one to live a quality life. Self-management skills that should be acquired in order to manage their chronic diseases include adjusting of ones lifestyle, managing medication, gathering information, managing symptoms and communicating effectively. Self-management goes hand in hand with modern opinions on how humans behave and how the quality of life can be improved through health care. This is mostly with patients suffering from chronic illnesses. How patients live with a chronic condition is not fully dependent on the nature of the illness they are suffering from. Lubkin and Larsen (2006) have shown that these patients live with fear, adjusted life, and hope and they are always looking for solutions. Their perspective which includes beliefs, attitude and values determine how they respond to treatment of the chronic disease. How a person understood his or her chronic disease determined the life they will live. Studies have also shown that peoples perspective on their illnesses do determine how they respond to triggers and symptoms and the methods that they use in incorporating their disease in their day to day lives. For examples people who suffer from diabetes believe that they should exercise a lot and at healthy, while thos e that are suffering from arthritis should know how to manage pain. Outcome research Outcome research is one of the branches of public health that studies the results of a healthcare system and also how the patient care coping with the disease. Outcome research tends to show the safety, effectiveness, equity, efficiency, timeliness, system responsiveness and patient-centeredness of the self-management design of coping with chronic diseases (Ski, Page, Thompson, Cummins, Salzberg, and Carter, 2012). Chronic care model Chronic care model is important as it offers the patient with self- management skills of chronic diseases (Hickman, Rolley Davidson, 2010). Chronic care model has six components which are self-management support, health system, community polices and responses, clinical information systems, decision support and the design of delivering. Chronic care model offers the patients with self-management skills that offer them with ways of managing their diseases (Thirsk and Clark, 2014). Reference List Chang, E. and Johnson, A. eds., 2014.Chronic illness and disability: Principles for nursing practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. 12(2), 56-72 Hickman, L. D., Rolley, J. X., Davidson, P. M. (2010). Can principles of the Chronic Care Model be used to improve care of the older person in the acute care sector?.Collegian,17(2), 63-69. Larsen, P.D., 2006. Chronicity.Chronic illness. Impact and interventions,6, pp.3-22. Lubkin, I.M. and Larsen, P.D., 2006.Chronic illness: Impact and interventions. Jones Bartlett Learning. Ski, C.F., Page, K., Thompson, D.R., Cummins, R.A., Salzberg, M. and Worrall?Carter, L., 2012. Clinical outcomes associated with screening and referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward.Journal of clinical nursing,21(15?16), pp.2228-2234. Schulman-Green. D. et al. 2013 Process of self- management in chronic illness. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 34(8), pp. 89- 110 Scher, A.I., Buse, Adams, A.M. and Lipton, R.B., 2017.Comorbid pain and migraine chronicity The Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes Study.Neurology, 89(5), pp.461-468. Sanders, J.B., Bremmer, M.A., Comijs, H.C., Deeg, D.J. and Beekman, A.T., 2016. Gait speed and the natural course of depressive symptoms in late life; an independent association with chronicity?.Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17(4), pp.331-335. Thirsk, L.M. and Clark, A.M., 2014. What is the selfin chronic disease self-management?.International Journal of Nursing Studies,51(5), pp.691-693. Warwick, M., Gallagher, R., Chenoweth, L. and Stein?Parbury, J., 2010. Self?management and symptom monitoring among older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Journal of Advanced Nursing,66(4), pp.784-793
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